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Na hodinách anglického jazyka, žiaci spracovali tému Celebration in Slovakia a takto sa za pomoci aplikácii Quillbot, Aiva a sa s témou pohrali.
Easter in Slovakia
Many symbols are related to spring and the beginning of new life. Some of best known are Easter eggs, decorated eggs called kraslice, braided whip. Days when Easter is celebrated have special names: Ugly Wednesday, Green Thursday, Good Friday, White Saturday, Easter Sunday, and Easter Monday. Girls paint, colour and decorate eggs and boys prepare their whips.The origin of this tradition dates back to pagan times. Its original purpose and symbolic meaning is to chase away illness and bad spirits and to bring health and youth for the rest of the year to everyone who is whipped.
Christmas is the most popular festival for everybody, exactly for children. 24th December is festive day because we celebrated birth of Jesus. All day people can´t eat meat and sweets, only dishes from fish. In the morning people decorate Christmas tree and somebody may have the nativity scene under the tree. Woman prepare fish soap for lunch. In the afternoon children can watch fairytales in the TV or if the weather is good parents can go with them for a walk. At about 5 o´cloc people eat Christmas diner which contains fried carp with potato salad. During the afternoon the room with Christmas tree is usually locked and children are looking forward to hear the voice of the bell which means that baby Jesus was here. After that family go to the tree, sing a Christmas carol and open the presents. At night some people go to the church. 25th December and 26th December are days when members of family and friends visit each other.
Naši žiaci na hodinách ANJ vytvorili príbehy na tému "Celebration" a spracovali ich ako tajničky, písomný prejav a audio verziu. Slúžia ako podklad pre výučbu metódou Story-telling na výučbu anglického jazyka aj iných školám a aj v iných krajinách EU.
St. Nicolas Day Ghost1
,Ghost2: The girl is looking forward to see st. Nicolas. Her name is
Masha. She
heard his bell ringing,and it was her
end. Watch out for Nicolas, because it´ll happen
again. Watch
out, whatch out, Nicolas is coming. Pay
attetion and listen to us. Mia: Hey
guys, finnaly we´re gonna have a sleepover. Kiara: Yeah,
I can´t wait, but I´ve heard hat the bloody Nicolas is near. Sasha: Oh,
please what a nonsense, right Dia? Dia: What?
Who is bloody Nicolas? Kiara: Oh,
he´s coming on st. Nicolas day and he´s stealing kids. Mia: Okay
stop, stop with all the stupid thing, let´s watcha movie! All: Let´s
go. Lola: Kiara?
Tell me more about bloody Nicolas. Kiara:
Nicolas has his ghosts, they´re ringing with a bell, when you hear it you
became hypnotized. It happend here to one girl. I think her name was
Masha. Lola: Masha? Kiara: Yeah,
Masha. Kiara:
They´re saying that she dissapeard on st. Nicolas day,nobody has no clue of
her. Lola: I´m
scared! Today is st. Nicolas day! Kiara: We
should put some headphones or something because of that bell. Mia: Let´s
watch a movie it´s 8:30 pm. Diana: Okay,
which film should we watch? Mia: Grinch,
but the scarier version? Lola: No!
It´s like the same as the Nicolas! Mia: Oh
please! Kiara just wants to scare us. Shasa: I´m
gonna use the restroom. Mia: Okey,
aren´t you scared? Shasa:
C-come with me! Shasa: I´m
scared as a child! Mia: (
laughs ) Mia: Okey
let´s go. Diana: So
you´re gonna leave us here?! Mia: You´re
not alone, there´s three of you. Lola: But
what if he he comes? Mia: Then
you´re gonna scream. Mia: ( laughs
) Lola: (
sarcastic ) Haha, really funny. Mia: Look
I found a really good song! Shasa:
Really? Give met he earphone! Shasa: (
song playing ) Mia: It´s
really good song right? Shasa: Yeah! Mia: Okey
let´s go sleep ( yawning, sound of blankets ) Mia: Good
night. All:
Goodnight. Ghost1,
Ghost2: The girl is looking forward to see st. Nicolas. Her name is
Masha. She heard his bell ringing,and it was her end. Watch out for
Nicolas, because it´ll happen again. Watch out, whatch
out, Nicolas is coming. Pay attetion and
listen to us. Mia: What?
Masha?! Mia: She was
my riend. Mia: (
scared ) Where are the girls? ( bells ringing ) Diana: Oh
no! The ringing bells! Lola: What?!
Where Kiara?! Kiara: (
hypnotyzed ) We need to see Nicolas... Lola: Oh no
no NO! ( gets hypnotyzed ) Lola:
(hypnotyzed ) We need to see Nicolas. Nicolas: Ho!
Ho! Ho! Come with me! Shasa: No,
don´t go! Diana: (
hypnotyzed ) We need to see Nicolas. Mia: Here!
T-take these earphones! Shasa: We
need to rescue them! Mia: No! We
can´t risk that! Shasa:
I have an idea! Let´s just pretend that we´re hypnotyzed too. Mia: That´s
briliant! Nicolas: Ho!
Ho! Ho! Nicolas:
Another girls! But what do I do with them. Nicolas:
I can ruin their Christmas or make them to be my servants and then they
will became ghosts. Nicolas: (
laughs ) Lola: Oh no
no no! That´s too bad. Lola: What
if something happens to us?! Mia: Shh! Mia: We need
to be quiet so nothing will happen to us! Lola:
O-okay. Lola: (
crying ) Mia: But
I don´t understand! Mia: We are
in the same trap and Lola isn´t hypnotyzed! Lola: Oh,
It´s because one of my earphones fell of so I heard him, but it didn´t
work on met hen. Mia: Where
the hell are we! ( confused scream ) Shasa: Oh my
godness I´m too scared! Lola:
I saw everything now- where´s Kiara and Diana?! Kiara:
AAAA!! Lola: (
sarcastic ) Oh, I hear them now. Diana: Where
are we?! Nicolas:
Shut up! Or you´ll be my lunch today ( hehe) Ghost1,Ghost2:
Listen more now. The horrible things wil come. ( ghost
noises ) Ghost1,
Ghost2: The fear wil come. And YOU! Need to master it! Mia: How?
Tell me! Help me please! Ghost1,
Ghost2: You´ll find out.... ( disapears ) Shasa: Not
again. Listen girls. I know you won´t belive me, but some ghosts told me
some things. Shasa: What
are we gonna do?! Lola: I´m
scared! Nicolas: Ho!
Ho! Ho! Come here girls! Kiara:
I would listen to him. Mia: Are you
freaking stupid?! He wants us to be his servants! Kiara: Then
we´ll need to run away! Shasa: But
how? Mia:
I have an idea! We go on a walk and then... we make the plan later. Lola: ( taps
on head ) Lola: But we
don´t even know it here, and he won´t let us go. Diana: Let´s
just try! Mia: Hey
Nicolas! What do you want to do with us? ( bravely ) Nicolas: Oh
Mia, dear Mia, yo should be really, nice outfit Nicolas: (
laughs ) Mia: Okay
it´s obvious, he´s crazy- and we are stuck in his basment! Lola: Look!
There´s a window! Diana: Oh my
God you´re heavy! Lola: Just
hold me. Mia: You
really are smart. ( ironic ) Lola: Ugh!
I can´t open it. Diana:
You´re kidding. Shasa: Oh
man just break it with a rock. Lola: Throw
it to me. Shasa:
Catch! Lola: ( boom
) Lola: Ouch!
Are you normal?! Shasa:
You´re holding it. Shasa: (
taps on head ) Shasa: Now
do it! Kiara: Hm,
I´m curious about Masha... what happend to her? Mia: Ooh
I don´t know... Diana: Oh
man, you have like 100 kilos! Lola: Shut
up, It´s breaking now! ( BOOM!) ( the window breaks ) Mia: Yea! We
are gonna master it! Diana: Get
off me now! Mia: It´s
logic, like we are climbing up the window. All: (
helping ) Ow you´re heavy! Shasa: Oh
godness where are we? Mia? We are
in the suburbs! Shasa: Oh. Kiara: We
did it! Now we can have a sleepover! Mia:
Finally! (talking ) Mia: (
scream, heavy breathing ) Mia: It was
only a dream! Why am I in the freaking hospital?! Kiara: Thank
God you´re alive! Kiara: You
didn´t wanted to wake up after the sleepover. Mia:
I had a terrible nightmare. Really weird. Mia: Like
the stone hit Lola´s head. All: (
start´s to laugh )
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